Satellite temperature data archive

by William Yeatman on January 11, 2005

Settling global warming science
Tech Central Station, Aug 12 2004
The surface temperature record shows a warming rate of about 0.17˚C (0.31˚F) per decade since 1979. However, there are two other records, one from satellites, and one from weather balloons that tell a different story.

NASA GHCC Global Temperature Anomaly Data
Global temperatures have been monitored by satellite since 1979 with the Microwave Sounding Units (MSU) flying on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) TIROS-N series of polar-orbiting weather satellites. Data from nine separate satellites have been combined to provide a global record of temperature fluctuations in the lower troposphere (the lowest 5 miles of the atmosphere) and the lower stratosphere (covering an altitude range of about 9-12 miles).

Globally-Averaged Atmospheric Temperatures
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

“Global Warming” at a glance: December 2004, Jan 11, 2005
As determined by NOAA Satellite-mounted MSUs

“Global Warming” at a glance: November 2004, Dec 10, 2004
As determined by NOAA Satellite-mounted MSUs

Global Temperature Report: November 2004
University of Alabama-Huntsville, Dec 08, 2004
Global composite temp.: +0.15 C (about 0.27 degrees Fahrenheit) above 20-year average for November.

Global warming: Satellite saga continues 
Tech Central Station, Dec 3 2004
The results of two research studies announced this week address the infamous discrepancy between satellite and surface thermometer trends over the last 25 years.

“Global warming” at a glance: October 2004, Nov 15, 2004
As determined by NOAA Satellite-mounted MSUs Information from Global Hydrology and Climate Center, University of Alabama – Huntsville, USA

“Global Warming” at a glance:, Oct 15, 2004
As determined by NOAA Satellite-mounted MSUs and GISTEMP surface temperatures, through September 2004

Earth still cooler than normal
Cooler Heads Coalition, Sep 15, 2004
The global temperature readings for August 2004 from the Earth System Science Center of the University of Alabama in Huntsville, based on satellite readings, show the recent trend of cooler than normal temperatures is continuing.

UHIE? UHIE who?, Sep 10, 2004
UHIE is the acronym for Urban Heat Island Effect.

“Global warming” at a glance, Aug 20 2004
As determined by NOAA Satellite-mounted MSUs –
Global Mean Temperature Variance From Average,
Lower Troposphere, July 2004:


CCSP to look at satellite/surface temperature disparity
August 04, 2004
The Bush Administrations Climate Change Science Program is beginning the first of 21 major climate assessments despite a fiscal crunch. The first assessment addresses the long-running debate over whether discrepancies exist between warming rates at the Earths surface and readings taken from the middle troposphere, where most weather occurs. response to New York Times on climate modeling, Aug 31, 2004
Meehl’s graphic, reproduced here from the NYT, is truncated at 1999, just post-peak of the powerful 1997/98 El Nio-induced temperature spike evident in both MSU and GISS datasets.

Weather Balloon Evidence Confirms Lowest Satellite Temperature Estimates
Cooler Heads Coalition, March 31 2004
Last year, three dueling estimates of what satellites tell us about the temperature of the atmosphere were published. John Christy and Roy Spencer from the University of Alabama Huntsville (UAH) and colleagues estimated marginal warming (+0.03 0.05 C per decade), while Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) found warming at the bottom range of greenhouse theory projections (+0.12 0.02 C per decade) and Vinnikov and Grody found warming similar to that predicted by global climate models (+0.24 0.02 C per decade).

Adverse impacts of warming have been exaggerated
Cooler Heads Coalition, May 12, 2004
On May 3, the Cooler Heads Coalition hosted a Capitol Hill briefing entitled The Impacts of Global Warming: Why the Alarmist View is Wrong. The event allowed four leading experts to discuss the specific scientific research that has been done in their four particular fields: severe weather events, rising sea levels, tropical diseases, and mass species extinctions.

New climate study finds ‘global warming’ by subtracting cooling that wasn’t there
University of Alabama at Huntsville, May 05, 2004
A new study of global temperature data reports this week the discovery that significant global warming can be found by subtracting from the temperature record more cooling than was actually there.

Satellite versus Surface Estimates of Air Temperature since 1979
Journal of Climate, 1996
A comparison of near-global monthly mean surface temperature anomalies with those of global Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) 2R temperatures for 1979-1995 reveals differences in global annual mean trends that are shown to be largely attributable to important physical differences in the quantities which are measured.

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