A note from Richard Lindzen on statistically significant warming

by Julie Walsh on March 12, 2008

From WattsUpWithThat

A note from Richard Lindzen on statistically significant warming

11 03 2008

Yesterday, in response to the thread on “3 of 4 global metrics show nearly flat temperature anomaly in the last decade” I got a short note from MIT’s Richard Lindzen along with a graph. I asked if I could post it, and he graciously agreed:

Look at the attached. There has been no warming since 1997 and no
statistically significant warming since 1995. Why bother with the
arguments about an El Nino anomaly in 1998? (Incidentally, the red
fuzz represents the error ‘bars’.)

Best wishes,


Richard S. Lindzen
Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Sciences
MIT Cambridge, MA 02139 USA

Graph: HadCRUT 1993-2007 – click for larger image

The man has a point.

I appreciate the note, Dr. Lindzen.

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