April 2009

The Liberal War on Science

by Hans Bader on April 15, 2009

in Blog

Christina Hoff Sommers writes about a looming liberal war on science. Based on a campaign promise Obama made to feminist groups in October 2008, Sommers foresees the Obama Administration moving to artificially cap male enrollment in math and science classes to achieve gender proportionality — the way that Title IX currently caps male participation in intercollegiate athletics. The result could be a substantial reduction in the number of scientists graduating from America’s colleges and universities.

Critics have long argued that the Title IX cap is in tension with the Supreme Court’s warnings against proportional representation. In a ruling by Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, the Supreme Court said that it is “completely unrealistic” to argue that women and minorities should be represented in each field or activity “in lockstep proportion to their representation in the local population.” (See Richmond v. J.A. Croson Co. (1989)). In an earlier ruling, Justice O’Connor noted that it is “unrealistic to assume that unlawful discrimination is the sole cause of people failing to gravitate to jobs and employers in accord with the laws of chance.” (See Watson v. Fort Worth Bank & Trust Co. (1988)).

But the Title IX athletics regulation mandates proportional representation. It contains three alternatives for compliance, but two of them are illusory in the long run. The first way (and only permanent way) to comply is to adopt a quota that artificially caps male participation. The second and third ways, which are only short-term fixes, involve continuous expansion of participation by, or satisfaction of all desire to compete by, the “underrepresented” sex. In a world of finite resources, these latter two ways can only work for a short period of time. I used to work at the agency, the Office for Civil Rights, that administers this regulation, and I think that it would be a mistake to apply standards designed for allocating resources among all-male and all-female sports teams to the very different context of math and science classes, which are coed.

But this is not an Administration that is very good with math and numbers. Obama claimed his $800 billion stimulus package was needed to avert “irreversible decline.” But the Congressional Budget Office says it will actually cut the size of the economy in the long run. His budgets don’t add up, either, piling up $9.3 trillion in red ink, and breaking his promises to enact a “net spending cut” and not raise taxes on people making less than $250,000 a year.

Some liberal publications are suspicious of scientific advances. The agronomist Norman Borlaug, who pioneered the Green Revolution, saved perhaps a billion lives in the Third World by developing high-yield, disease-resistant crops through biotechnology. For this, he received the Nobel Peace Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Congressional Medal of Honor. For this, he was smeared in the liberal magazine The Nation, which has an irrational phobia of biotechnology and genetic engineering, as being “the biggest killer of all.”

Similarly, the Danish researcher Bjorn Lomborg was demonized and investigated after accurately pointing out that global warming is less of a threat to human health than AIDS and malnutrition.

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety earlier this week reported how smaller, more fuel-efficient automobiles are less safe than larger vehicles, and my John Locke Foundation colleague Roy Cordato noted how well it fits the policy prescriptions of global warming alarmists:

I guess maybe that’s why the greens like these cars. Not only do they reduce atmospheric CO2 but they help cut down on the surplus population.

Lest you think that’s an exaggeration, just read for yourself about the population control (i.e., abortion) funding efforts of wealthy environmental activist foundations such as the Turner Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and others. Or you could read about it at the Acton Institute site.

It’s Not Just Income Tax

by Iain Murray on April 15, 2009

in Blog

Let’s not forget on this day that government has worked out a lot more ways to appropriate your money than income tax.  Sales Tax is the one we come across most often, but at least it’s out in the open and you see it being added to every purchase you make (an example of tax transparency not enjoyed by most of the world).  It is the hidden taxes – the “stealth taxes” – that are perhaps an even bigger problem.  When government taxes a particular activity, often at the source, so that costs are passed on to the end consumer – you and me – without us appreciating it, then government has acheived revenue without responsibility.

That is why “cap and trade,” the fashionable measure for imposing fees on emitters of greenhouse gases, is such an insidious idea.  Ostensibly, the fees would provide a ‘market-based’ incentive for emitters to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  In practice, it would raise energy prices, as both President Obama and Rep. Henry Waxman (D. – Hollywood Millionaires) have admitted.  Thankfully, the vast majority of Senators have realized that cap-and-trade is a tax, which is why on April 1 they passed by the margin of 98-0 an amendment to the budget “To protect middle-income taxpayers from tax increases by providing a point of order against legislation that increase taxes on them, including taxes that arise, directly or indirectly, from Federal revenues derived from climate change or similar legislation.”  That amendment essentially recognizes cap-and-trade as a stealth tax, one that Americans for Tax Reform have calculated as amounting to $3000 for each family.

So where does this leave us?  The EPA is announcing that they will hold a knife to the nation’s throat if this tax doesn’t get passed.  There’s responsible government for you!  The intelligent environmentalists at The Breakthrough Institute recognize the folly of this strategy, but, sad to say, intelligent voices in the environmentalist movement are very rarely listened to.

In the face of this assault of Green Taxes, there may be no alternative but to hold a Green Tea Party.  Watch this space.

In the News

by William Yeatman on April 15, 2009

in Blog

Spokesmanship Is Bliss
Chris Horner, American Spectator Blog, 15 April 2009

Several outlets have now picked up on Spanish economic professor Dr. Gabriel Calzada’s study of the economic impacts of Spain’s “green jobs” schemes touted by President Obama as our model to follow.

Beware the Geeks that Bring You Climate Policies
Michael Barone, DC Examiner, 15 April 2009

Beware of geeks bearing formulas. That’s the lesson most of us have learned from the financial crisis. The “quants” who devised the risk models that induced so many financial institutions to buy mortgage-backed securities thought they had reduced risk down to zero.

Obama’s Clobber and Trade
Peter Sapp, Pittsburgh Tribune Review. 13 April 2009

Global warming and increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide are what former Vice President Al Gore calls “inconvenient truths.” But where they end, the guesswork begins.

Cap-and-Trade: Disaster Waiting To Happen
Terry Easton, Human Events, 14 April 2009

Heard of so-called “global warming”? It’s been shown to be another socialist scam to create massive government controls over a “crisis” which doesn’t exist. But, as Rom Emanuel, President Obama’s closest advisor has said, good socialists “never let a serious crisis go to waste.” Especially if its imaginary.

Beware of Climate Conformity
Paul Sheehan, Sydney Morning Herald, 13 April 2009

The hypothesis that human activity can create global warming is extraordinary because it is contrary to validated knowledge from solar physics, astronomy, history, archaeology and geology. “But evidence no longer matters. And any contrary work published in peer-reviewed journals is just ignored. We are told that the science on human-induced global warming is settled. Yet the claim by some scientists that the threat of human-induced global warming is 90 per cent certain (or even 99 per cent) is a figure of speech. It has no mathematical or evidential basis.”

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iARSO30KAks 285 234]

John Andrews, director of The Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University, has checked in with a report about the debate last week between “Red Hot Lies” author Chris Horner and climatologist James White. Andrews says that despite an audience that far exceeded the auditorium’s capacity of 300, the Denver-area media (not surprisingly) ignored the event:

For example, editors at Channel 7 for some reason didn’t feel this fit their upcoming series on green issues, while Denver Post environment reporter Mark Jaffe told me archly that Horner’s presence made this occasion “not a debate… not news.”

But CCU and the Centennial Institute shrugged off the snub.  As I pointed out to Jaffe, our two nationally-known experts on climate science and climate policy seemed to think it was a debate.  So did a century-old local university.  So did our capacity crowd of several hundred open-minded Coloradans.  If the MSM choose to be close-minded about this, it’s really their problem, not ours.

Didn’t a major newspaper just close in Denver?

Meanwhile, I hope these little events (like the recent one between John Christy and William Schlesinger) will continue and then the public will benefit from all perspectives on the issue.

In the News

by William Yeatman on April 14, 2009

in Blog

Cap-and-Trade Hurts Little Guy, Aids the Corrupt
William O’ Keefe, U.S. News & World Report, 14 April 2009

The American people have had enough of convoluted, indecipherable financial schemes and the opportunists who exploit them. The public is understandably angry about Wall Street’s exploitation of Main Street, and yet our political leaders are setting the stage for another complex trading market, ripe for corruption. The future Enrons and Bernie Madoffs of the world would like nothing better than to see the U.S. impose a new market for carbon emission trading.

Where’s the Benefit?
Paul Chesser, Spectator, 14 April 2009

Global warming realists (that is, those who don’t buy the Al Gore-like catastrophism because they see the earth is  no warmer than it was 12 years ago) often argue  against various forms of energy taxes, but too many stop short of asking alarmists, “What’s the benefit?”

Cap-and-Trade a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
Senator John Ensign, Las Vegas Review-Journal, 13 April 2009

President Barack Obama has been shockingly upfront about his heavy-handed plans to govern energy production across the country from Washington, D.C. His plan is known as cap-and-trade, but it amounts to a new national energy tax that will be detrimental to consumers’ pocketbooks at the worst possible time.


The Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) has launched a new global warming website, Climate Depot, run by Marc Morano, former communications director for the Republicans on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. To visit the site, click here.

In the News

Dissenter on Warming Expands His Campaign
Leslie Kaufman, New York Times, 10 April 2009

Climate Bill Could Trigger Lawsuit Landslide
Tom Lobianco, Washington Times, 10 April 2009

A Dangerous New Global Warming Law
Alan Caruba, Warning Signs, 10 April 2009

The U.N.’s Global Green Raw Deal
Patrick Michaels, Planet Gore, 9 April 2009

Waxman-Markey Litigation Shell Game
Marlo Lewis, OpenMarket.org, 9 April 2009

Alarmists Get Their Wish
Paul Chesser, GlobalWarming.org, 9 April 2009

Wind Power Is a Complete Disaster
Michael J. Trebilcock, Financial Post, 8 April 2009

Can Renewables Meet America’s Energy Needs?
Mary Hutzler, MasterResource.org, 7 April 2009

Outrageous: Waxman-Markey’s Energy Tax
Amy Ridenour, National Center for Public Policy Research, 6 April 2009

Obama Proposes Cap Growth
Donald Lambro, Washington Times, 6 April 2009

News You Can Use

Wind Power Is Not the Answer

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar this week in New Jersey said that windmills off the East Coast could generate enough electricity to replace all the coal-fired power in the United States. In response, Thomas Pyle, president of the Institute for Energy Research, told the D.C. Examiner that, “Secretary Salazar is living in Fantasy Land.” According to Pyle, “We would need to install 309,587 giant turbines – about 172 turbines per mile of coast – and hope the wind blows 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

Inside the Beltway

Myron Ebell

New Study Shows Costs of Canada’s Climate Plans

I was in Toronto, Kingston, and Ottawa this week to enjoy the snow. The way the climate is warming so rapidly it might be the last snow we see for quite awhile-maybe not until December. While I was there, the Ontario Conservative Party released a study that estimates that electric bills will increase by up to $780 per household if the Liberal Party government’s Green Energy Act to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is passed by the Ontario Parliament. Energy Minister George Smitherman immediately disputed the study’s findings.  He said that electric bills would go up only one percent per year because the higher rates would create a “culture of conservation.”  It’s nice to see that Canadians can be just as loopy as Californians.

It’s Too Late for Obama To Hedge on Climate

Here in Washington, White House Science Adviser John P. Holdren gave interesting interviews to Juliet Eilperin of the Washington Post and to Seth Borenstein of the Associated Press. He confirmed to Eilperin something that President Barack Obama seemed to say several weeks ago. The Administration would be open to a cap-and-trade bill, such as the Waxman-Markey draft (which I wrote about last week), that gives away some of the ration coupons to emitting industries. Obama favors auctioning 100% of the coupons, but clearly he and his top advisers recognize that the only way to gain the support of big business special interests is to give them some of the coupons they need to stay in business.

The problem is that the Administration and many Members of Congress have already made plans for spending all the revenue that would be raised by auctioning the coupons.  It may be solved if the revenues generated are much higher in the first eight years of a cap-and-trade regime than the $646 billion estimate in President Obama’s budget submission to Congress. A White House official, Jason Furman, was quoted as saying that they thought the revenues could be two to three times their estimate, or $1.3 to 1.9 trillion. That sounds like enough money to pay off big business and vastly increase federal spending at the same time. However, if the economy remains weak, which it may well do given the policies being pursued by the Congress and the Administration, then there may be a glut of coupons and the auction price may be low.  Cap-and-trade will siphon a lot of money out of the economy while at the same time putting a governor on the economy limiting the upper end of growth to perhaps one or two percent per year. As people’s incomes stagnate and decline, federal revenues are going to drop off a cliff without major tax increases.

Dr. Doom

Dr. Holdren told Borenstein that the Administration was actively considering geo-engineering solutions to stop global warming because the situation is so desperate. It’s relevant here to remember that the first time anyone said we had only ten years left to begin reducing emissions was about seven years ago. Geo-engineering is of course anathema to most global warming alarmists. For them, the only way to save us is to cripple the economy. Therefore, it was no surprise that environmental pressure groups came out swinging against Holdren’s comments. Holdren then quickly sent around an e-mail saying that his remarks had been taken out of context. I mention this story because the idea that Dr. Holdren could be put in charge of engineering the perfect climate is the most frightening thing I’ve heard for many years. Michael Crichton, may he rest in peace, could have written his scariest novel based closely on the real-life ravings of John P. Holdren.

Around the World

Bonn Conference Ends in Failure

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) conference in Bonn ended this week. It was the latest round of negotiations to pave the way for the fifteenth Conference of the Parties this December in Copenhagen, where member nations have pledged to conclude negotiations on a successor agreement to the failed Kyoto Protocol, which expires at the end of 2012.

There was no progress on the most important issue-legally binding emissions cuts. The head of the UNFCCC, Yvo de Boer, said that the numbers discussed for emissions targets for industrialized countries were “well short” of the 25-40% below 1990 levels by 2020 proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The U.S. delegation spent most of the Bonn talks trying to dampen expectations. European member countries bemoaned the lack of “leadership,” an implicit attack on American inaction. And developing countries continued to reject emissions targets of any kind, while at the same time demanding hundreds of billions of dollars to pay for clean energy technologies and adaptation. Environmentalists were sorely disappointed.

Predictably, the only thing the negotiators agreed upon was the need for more negotiations on top of those already scheduled for Bonn in June and Bangkok in October. They agreed to meet in Bonn again in August, and at an undisclosed location in November, presumably somewhere tropical. These jet-setting diplomats have a tough job-endless, inconclusive meetings at five-star resorts all over the world.

Is Obama Lying?

by Chris Horner on April 14, 2009

in Blog

When I wrote Red Hot Lies, I backed up the claim with specifics and evidence. Sadly if typically, a new talking point has emerged among the cap-n-trade cheerleading Left – which as I showed at two town hall meetings with Rep. Michele Bachmann last Thursday excludes the non-financially financially vested Left, to their credit.

At both meetings the press – whose penetrating questions beforehand were restricted to “Who’s paying for your trip out here?” (Bill McAuliffe, Minneapolis Star Tribune…it was that mean old Young America’s Foundation) – and the Alinskyites in the audience at one session clinged like grim death to a supposed life raft in the sea of red ink, “an MIT study on cap and trade” disputing certain cost estimates for such a scheme.

Today I see the Huffington Post repeats the claim that Rep. Bachmann was lying about the cost… without saying what the lie was, or otherwise backing up the language. Some person denies cost projections about a scheme designed to price energy out of current levels of use, somehow making anyone else who projects cost estimates a “liar”, which is pushed as the take away point in coverage and public discourse.

OK, usual playground logic, ad hom and subject-changing, shocked shocked, and all that, but here’s the test:

Is Barack Obama lying?

Numerous cost estimates, all projections of the future, are floating around about what a cap-and-trade bill would cost. It is a fool’s errand to bother claiming to know which is most representative – one I lapsed into in q-n-a once, I admit, by offering a range of projections (and an audience member shouted “Lie!”…no, it’s actually a range of projections). A principal reason this is a time-waster is that the Waxman-Markey bill, “the” game in town right now, cleverly avoided assigning specifics to their scheme, thereby ensuring all potential recipients of its rents will pant after the project in hopes that it is they whose beak gets wetted at the expense of the economy.

So, again, the question is whether the man pushing this scheme, the man whose political vanity or social engineering dreams it is to satisfy, is lying?

The only relevant estimate of cap-and-trade legislation is that it would cause your energy prices to “necessarily skyrocket“.

That’s Obama.

Hey, Left, stop changing the subject and answer the question: Is Obama Lying?

One irony of mandating renewable energy is that it isn’t necessarily any cleaner than coal.  One example of this is North Carolina’s mandate for renewable energy derived from chicken litter waste.   Chicken litter waste is composed of wood shavings and of course chicken droppings.  There are plans to build a chicken litter waste plant in North Carolina and one has already been built in Minnesota.

As it turns out, burning chicken litter waste tends to produce a high level of particulates, high levels of carbon monoxide, high levels of nitrogen oxides, and a high level of arsenic.  The reason the plants produce high levels of particulates and carbon monoxide is because the wood shavings don’t burn as hot as coal and so there is often incomplete combustion.  The high levels of nitrogen oxides come from the fact the chicken waste is high in ammonia and urea.  In fact, chicken waste is often used as a source of nitrogen fertilizer on farms.   The reason for the high levels of arsenic is that most commercial chicken feed contains Roxarsone, which is an arsenic based compound that is added to the chicken feed to prevent the birds from developing parasites.

The emissions at the Minnesota plant are apparently so problematic the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency  has pending legal action.  So much for clean green renewable energy.