What’s the Cost if Congress “Fails” to Enact Cap-and-Trade?

by Marlo Lewis on April 20, 2010

in Blog

That is the question posed this week on National Journal’s energy experts’ blog. My answer, available  here, is that “failure” will have multiple benefits:

– The U.S. economy won’t be hit by virtual or outright energy taxes in the midst of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, improving prospects for a recovery.

– Congress will not declare political warfare on coal, continuing America’s access to abundant, affordable base-load power.

– Congress will not adopt carbon tariffs, avoiding an era of trade warfare between the United States and emerging industrial powerhouses such as China and India.

– The U.S. Government will lack a bully pulpit for pressuring poor countries to ban coal-based power, allowing them to escape from energy poverty.

Brian H Campbell April 21, 2010 at 7:14 pm

If Congress fails to enact cap and trade then it will save millions or billions of dollars that would have went to fraud.

I'm sure there is some good that could have come out of cap and trade if so many people were'nt so crooked.

Cherish Annan May 9, 2010 at 1:09 pm

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