Chamber’s Job Summit Keynoted by Leading Job Destroyer

by Myron Ebell on June 10, 2011

in Blog, Features

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The National Chamber Foundation’s Campaign for Free Enterprise has announced that Jeffrey Immelt will be the keynote speaker at their Jobs for America Summit on July 11 at the U. S. Chamber of Commerce.  Immelt, the CEO of General Electric, is America’s leading crony capitalist and promoter of cap-and-trade legislation.  No word on whether the speakers will include fellow cap-and-trade promoters Jim Rogers, CEO of Duke Energy, and John Bryson, former CEO of Edison International, whom President Obama has nominated to be Secretary of Commerce.  These proponents of energy-rationing polices are willing to raise energy prices and thereby make people poorer and destroy American jobs because they calculate that it will boost their companies’ profits.

Tom June 11, 2011 at 1:56 am

Why do northern Europe socialist countries continually out pace America in terms of economic growth? Namely, more stable and consistent economic growth?

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