Bryan Weynand

Post image for Report Outlines State Strategies to Resist EPA Leviathan

In response to the growing tangle of regulations proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency, the American Legislative Exchange Council has published EPA’s Regulatory Train Wreck: Strategies for State Legislators. The report serves as a toolkit for states to use in combating these regulations, which both burdens finite state resources and legally impedes on the states’ role in our system of government.

EPA is in the process of rapidly tightening its existing regulations and expanding its reach in areas ranging from chemicals in plastic bottles to air quality to greenhouse gas emissions, creating a mess of duplicative and cumbersome rules.  The report highlights one small subsection of this emerging regime – the Agency’s attack on the use of fossil fuels, and particularly coal, for electric generation and other commercial and manufacturing processes – to illustrate the broader issues resulting from this agenda.

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