British research center proposes energy rationing

by William Yeatman on October 7, 2004

in Politics

The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Prediction, the influential British alarmist body, has proposed reintroducing rationing to the United Kingdoms economy, with a market flavor.


Dr Kevin Anderson and Richard Starkey are developing a system called Domestic Tradable Quotas or DTQs.  Under this system, every British citizen would have a ration of carbon emissions, which could be traded in a market.


David Fleming, credited with coming up with the idea, explicitly tied the idea to the hugely unpopular rationing of commodities during and after the Second World War.  He said, When I was a child, in the years after the war, I didnt like sweets [candy] and sold my sweet ration to other children.  I suppose, in a sense, Ive been thinking about DTQs all my life.


Dr Anderson said, DTQs are a viable approach to carbon taxes.  As people make their choices, the system will help drive the market to lower carbon approaches.  Weve all seen how protests can bring the country to a halt if the price of petrol increases by just a few pence.  DTQs could nurture much-needed public support its all about giving people choices.


The idea has been proposed to Parliament by means of a ten-minute rule bill (which means it stands little chance of becoming law).  A second reading in the House of Commons is scheduled for this month.  (Innovations Report, Sept. 21)

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