TIME-Established Fact

by Paul Chesser, Heartland Institute Correspondent on May 7, 2008

Paul Chesser, Climate Strategies Watch

You know your state is in trouble when the chairman of your commission to address the global warming crisis cites one of the newsweaklies as grounds for established scientific fact. That is the case with the University of Iowa's Jerald Schnoor, who chairs the Iowa Climate Change Advisory Council. He wrote in his environmental science journal in 2006:

In its April 3 special edition, Time magazine has declared it. The debate on global warming is over. And humans are causing it (at least, most of it). Meanwhile, according to a recent poll, 71% of Americans already believe that global warming is occurring. So what has taken the Bush Administration so long? The lack of leadership on climate change and energy policy by President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and their cadre of oil executive cronies borders on malfeasance.

This, again, is from the leader of a so-called study commission that is supposed to be objective in its look at global warming issues — except that, of course, they are not allowed to discuss the science of climate change.

On second thought, I guess that makes him a perfect fit.

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