Joseph Romm Should Blame Democrats, Too, Because Opposition to Climate Law Is Bipartisan

by William Yeatman on October 7, 2008

Over at Climate Progress, Joseph Romm is writing a series of blogs about whether it is politically feasible for the world to lower its greenhouse gas emissions to 450 parts per million greenhouse gas equivalent, which climate modelers claim is necessary if we are to avoid climate change.

Romm says that the answer to that question is “no,” and in the 6th post of the series, he cites conservative opposition to climate legislation in Congress as a major reason that the climate will change. 

But when the Climate Security Act, the first major cap-and-trade climate change legislation, came before the Senate last summer, 10 Democratic senators wrote an open letter declaring they would oppose it. That's 20 percent of the Senate Democratic caucus.

Rather than partisan politics, the act failed because a bipartisan group of senators refused to pass a bill that would have reduced greenhouse-gas emissions by increasing the price of energy.

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