What If Global Warming Fears Are Overblown?
John Birger, Forbes, 14 May 2009
With Congress about to take up sweeping climate-change legislation, expect to hear more in coming weeks from John Christy, director of the Earth System Science Center at University of Alabama-Huntsville.
The Cap-and-Trade Racket
David Frum, The Week, 14 May 2009
Who says Democrats wish to take from the poor to give to the rich? In practice, they much prefer to take from everyone to give to their friends!
Give the Skeptics a Voice, Too
Dr. William Porter, Atlanta Journal Constitution, 14 May 2009
But the science is not settled. If it were, we would have great confidence in all these statements: 1. The world is getting warmer. 2. That’s more bad than good. 3. Humans are causing the warming. 4. We know how to fix the problem.
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