Coal in the Crosshairs

by William Yeatman on July 29, 2009

Thanks to a regulatory assault by the Obama administration, the coal industry’s very existence is now in doubt. On the demand side, the EPA is trying to use the Clean Air Act to squeeze coal out of the energy business (to learn more, click here). On the supply side, Obama’s EPA wants to use the Clean Water Act to close coal mines.

It’s unprecedented-never before has the government acted so forcefully to destroy an American industry this large. All so Obama can placate the global warming alarmists for whom coal is evil.

Yesterday, my colleague Myron Ebell spoke at the 2009 Coal Summit in Bluefield Virginia. More than 150 representatives from businesses all along the coal supply chain were there, and their spirit in the face of adversity was heartening. There is no quit among Appalachian coal miners-they are determined to fight.

To read more about the coal summit, here’s a write up on the event from the Bluefield Daily Telegraph.

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