Unfortunate Sign of the Times

by Chris Horner on December 5, 2011

in Blog

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Tomorrow night, Politico will name EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson as the most influential energy policymaker of the year, presumably for implementing a regulatory train wreck that will certainly make energy more expensive, and perhaps even turn out the lights.

What? Was the president of the Sierra Club unavailable?

BobRGeologist December 5, 2011 at 9:31 pm

I am fed up with environmental over-kill, its drag on the economy and its interference with our personal liberty. Lisa Jackson is a disaster waiting to happen. I would be interested to know her qualifications, probably no better than Obama himself. Her ruling as pollution on the vitally necessary gas CO2 as air pollution is a boo-boo of the first order. Not only is CO2 vital to our food supply but a robust supply is required in our greenhouse gases as the only thing standing in the way of the Earth becoming a lifeless Ice Ball. This is why ignorant political appointees can be dangerous to all of us and why the Environmental religion needs science oversight. This is why I believe the EPA needs defunding and it would also help our bottom line.

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