Poll Roundup: Environmental Alarmism Trending South

by William Yeatman on January 24, 2012

in Blog

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Global warming ranks dead last among Americans’ priorities, according to a public opinion poll released yesterday by The Pew Research Center for The People & The Press.

As the graph to the right indicates, global warming alarmism wasn’t always in the cellar. Five years ago, it ranked ahead of campaign finance, global trade, and lobbyist influence. Since then, however, the percentage of Americans who prioritize climate change has been in a free-fall. The Pew report states that,“Since it was first tested on the annual policy priorities list in 2007, the share of Americans who view dealing with global warming as a top priority has slipped from 38% to 25%…the decline has occurred across party lines: In 2007, 48% of Democrats rated dealing with global warming as a top priority, as did 23% of Republicans.”

That’s not the only bad poll news for green special interests. Today, Rasmussen Reports issued the results of a telephone survey showing that, “59% of Likely U.S. voters say, generally speaking, that creating new jobs is more important than environmental protection. Twenty-nine percent disagree and say protecting the environment is more important. Another 12% are not sure.”

No wonder President Barack Obama is giving indication that he will ignore climate change and green energy in tonight’s State of the Union Address. An hour ago, Politico’s Seung Min Kim reported on the SOTU talking points sent by the White House political shop to Congressional Democrats. Environmental issues are conspicuously absent.

BobRGeologist January 25, 2012 at 12:58 am

Enviro overkill has proven to be a drag on the economy and CO2 is not pollution, it is our friend. Global warming has never been a problem. We require a healthy Greenhouse gas to prevent another glaciation in the northern hemisphere. Carbon based energy will be sorely missed when we run out of it 100+ years hence.

Ralph January 25, 2012 at 6:18 am

Come to Florida and we’ll show you real warming. January 24, 2012 Central Florida 80F for the high temperature. Oh and bring plenty of money to spend!

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