Senate Majority Leader Reid Out of Touch with Himself on Climate Change

by William Yeatman on March 12, 2014

in Blog

In a previous post, I lamented the fact that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is out of touch with the American people on climate change. On further review, it turns out that he’s also out of touch with himself.

As I noted this morning, Sen. Reid recently said that climate change was the world’s # 1 most pressing problem. In this spirit, the Majority Leader on Monday participated in an all-night talkathon on the Senate floor, on the subject of global warming alarmism.

Sen. Reid’s sudden enthusiasm for climate change mitigation yesterday prompted a reporter to ask why the the Senate did not move climate change legislation in the 111th Congress when Democrats briefly had the 60 votes necessary to overcome a filibuster. In this morning’s Energy & Environment News ($), Jean Chemnick reported Reid’s answer:

“We didn’t have 60 votes, [except] for only a very short period of time. We had a number of other things we were working on.”

Basically, Sen. Reid responded by saying that the Senate didn’t pass climate legislation, because it had other priorities. So, climate change is the world’s most pressing problem…except when it isn’t?

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