Adventures in NSF-Funded Climate Alarmism: “The Great Immensity” & “Cli-Fi” Role Play

by William Yeatman on May 1, 2014

in Blog

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The National Science Foundation reportedly spent $700,000 to produce an off-Broadway dramatization of global warming alarmism. It’s titled, “The Great Immensity,” and it sounds dreadful.

Per the New York Times review:

Written and directed by Steve Cosson, “The Great Immensity” stuffs thick binders of information about man’s trampling of nature into a pulpy story about a documentary filmmaker’s mysterious disappearance…

As it leaps between song and story, and past and present, “The Great Immensity” sometimes feels as if it were constructed by an impassioned college student with a brain full of facts and a fierce determination not to turn to Big Pharma to control that pesky attention-deficit problem. The show jumps around like a jittery monkey …

Hot-button topics fly by: the disappearing rain forests, the increasingly hungry polar bears, and so on …

Other highlights include a saucy song about the allure of “charismatic megafauna” (“I want a cute strong predator to fawn upon”)…

As it winds toward a somewhat preposterous conclusion, Mr. Cosson’s text is pocked with speeches about the urgent necessity of mending man’s rapacious ways…

“The Great Immensity” sounds very stupid, to be sure, yet it’s not even the stupidest waste of NSF dollars on climate alarmism that was brought to the public’s attention this week. Today, ClimateWire reports that the National Science Foundation has funded a 3 month role-play game of the “Cli-Fi” genre, i.e. the science fiction of global warming.* According to ClimateWire,

FutureCoast is a three-month-long climate fiction, or “cli-fi,” project created by Columbia University’s Polar Partnership with funding from the National Science Foundation. One part of the game involves participants hunting for physical chronofacts that have been planted in cities across the United States. The other involves people calling in from around the world to leave their own “voice mail from the future,” which is added to the FutureCoast website.

You can’t make this stuff up! I know that $1 million or so is a drop in the bucket relative to federal spending, but, yowsers, these stories do not inspire confidence in the stewardship of public monies at the National Science Foundation.

*In the original post, I identified “Cli-Fi” as being the genre of global warming alarmism. After the post was published, I received a nice email from the gentleman who says he coined the term “Cli-Fi,” and, according to him, the genre encompasses ALL science fiction given to climate change, not just that of an alarmist bent.

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