Sierra Club’s Wacky Take on the Election: Environmentalists Failed Due to “Sinister Voter Suppression Tactics”

by William Yeatman on November 5, 2014

in Blog

Per the twitter account of SNL Energy’s Dan Lowrey:


The Hill’s Laura Barron Lopez reports the full quote by Sierra Club executive director Michael Brune:

“Despite the climate movement’s significant investments and an unprecedented get out the vote program, strong voices for climate action were defeated and candidates paid for by corporate interests and bolstered by sinister voter suppression tactics won the day.”

You can’t make this stuff up!

Of course, this is utter nonsense. As my colleague Myron Ebell explained here, environmental special interests & their billionaire benefactors had intended to make climate change an issue in this campaign, but they quickly learned an inconvenient truth: Voters don’t care about climate change. So, instead of spending scores of millions of dollars highlighting environmental issues, they spent all their money on run of the mill political attack ads. The upshot is that unsubstantiated, wild-eyed claims of “voter suppression” fail miserably to account for why “strong climate action” candidates lost. Rather, they lost for the ultra-simple reason that voter priorities are far different that those shared by environmental special interests.

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