Steven Hayward

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In 2007, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) published Joel Schwartz and Steven Hayward’s Air Quality in America: A Dose of Reality on Air Pollution Levels, Trends, and Health Risks. This book is a powerful antidote to air pollution alarmism.

Although five years old, Air Quality in America is as relevant as ever. As public susceptibility to global warming alarmism has waned, EPA and its allies in the war on affordable energy rely increasingly on old-fashioned air pollution alarmism to sell their agenda.

You can still buy Air Quality in America from Amazon.Com. However, AEI no longer maintains a PDF version on its Web site. Because I make frequent use of the book, and want readers to be able to check my sources, I am posting a PDF copy on GlobalWarming.Org.

A recent study by the Manufacturer’s Alliance/MAPI finds that EPA’s proposed revision of the “primary” (health-based) national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) for ozone would have devastating economic impacts, such as:

  • Impose $1 trillion in annual compliance burdens on the economy between 2020 and 2030.
  • Reduce GDP by $687 billion in 2020 (3.5% below the baseline projection).
  • Reduce employment by 7.3 million jobs in 2020 (a figure equal to 4.3% of the projected labor force in 2020).

In a companion report, the Senate Republican Policy Committee estimates the job losses and  “energy tax” burden (compliance cost + GDP reduction) each State will incur if EPA picks the most stringent ozone standard it is considering.

The costs of tightening ozone standards are likely to overwhelm the benefits, if any, as Joel Schwartz and Steven Hayward explain in chapter 7 of their book, Air Quality in America: A Dose of Reality on Air Pollution Levels, Trends, and Health Risks

So let’s see — we have emission regulations that function as de-facto energy taxes, and the costs far outweigh the putative benefits. Sound familiar? The resemblance to Waxman-Markey is more than superficial, because if stringent enough, air pollution regulations can restrict fossil energy use no less than carbon taxes or greenhouse cap-and-trade schemes.

For more information on EPA’s proposed ozone NAAQS and the MAPI study, see my post today on CEI’s Open Market.Org.