
Post image for Shameless Alarmism: Tragic Tornadoes an Opportunity for Mythmaking

In the wake of some of the deadliest storms in American history this week in the South, global warming alarmists have shamelessly tried to link the devastation wrought by tornadoes to climate change. According to Grady Dixon, assistant professor of meteorology and climatology at Mississippi State University, such a conclusion would be a “terrible mistake.” He told a leading science website that, “If you look at the past 60 years of data, the number of tornadoes is increasing significantly, but it’s agreed upon by the tornado community that it’s not a real increase. It’s having to do with better (weather tracking) technology, more population, the fact that the population is better educated and more aware. So we’re seeing them more often.”  The likelihood of a bad tornado season was predicted on the basis that there is currently a strong La Nina in the Pacific Ocean.  It should be remembered that El Ninos bring warmer weather while La Ninas bring cooler weather.