On Page 781

by Paul Chesser, Heartland Institute Correspondent on May 20, 2009

in Blog

Sometimes it takes a while to read pending legislation, which our pals at the American Energy Alliance have been doing with the Waxman-Markey Cap-and-Energy-Tax Bill. With only 165 pages to go, they discovered this nugget (from their press release):

On Page 781 of Waxman Cap-and-Tax Bill, a Response Guide for Mass Unemployment
Beneficiaries to receive 3 years of salary, health insurance, job training, and relocation package as a result of this job-killing measure

Washington, DC – With 946 pages of legislative text, it comes as no surprise that as the days pass by, interesting new provisions buried deep in the Waxman-Markey cap-and-tax bill are revealed. Today we expose section 426.

“While the authors of this bill continue to insist that cap-and-tax will be a clear economic winner, several provisions buried deep in the text confirm their true belief that it will massively stimulate the unemployment rolls,” said Thomas J. Pyle, president of the American Energy Alliance.

Pyle is referring to Title IV, Subtitle B, Part 2, Section 426, of the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, which states; An eligible worker (specifically, workers who lose their jobs as a result of this measure) may receive a climate change adjustment allowance under this subsection for a period of not longer than 156 weeks…80 percent of the monthly premium of any health insurance coverage…up to a maximum payment of $1,500 in relocation allowance…and job search expenses not exceed[ing] $1,500.

“America is supposed to be a land of opportunity and prosperity – not a land where political elites work behind closed doors to ship jobs offshore,” continued Pyle. “And with only 24 percent of the American people even knowing what cap-and-trade is, I am convinced that when the public learns that the leaders of this government are indeed, purposely and knowingly outsourcing American jobs in the name of global warming, they will demand answers and hold them accountable.”

Hat tip: Bridget Wagner at Heritage.

mrethiopian May 21, 2009 at 5:59 am

You haven’t explained anything, nor have you any proof of what the intended outcome is of this provision in (ACES) your just regurgitating the nonsensical ramblings of another rightwing nut job.

It took George Bush and the Republicans 8 years to run this once great country into the ground, How long will it take for the Democrats to fix this mess?

Guess who was at the helm at the last crash in 29, you guessed it republicans.

zack May 26, 2009 at 4:48 am

It takes a complete kool-aid drinker to actually think the Obam-duh economic plan will work. I can only think that he is in the back pocket of George Soros or some other American hating billionaire. It seems obvious to me that he wants to ruin our country.

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